Unseen Men
Date & Time:
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Unseen Men
This one day face to face course is being provided and by Rick Bolton.
All staff in Adults and Children’s Services who engage in work with vulnerable children, young people and families.
The course will enable delegates to;
- Understand the current learning around ‘unseen’ (sometimes referred to as ‘hidden’) males in safeguarding.
- To examine key practice issues such as:
Information sharing.
Professional curiosity and engagement (including skills module on barriers, masculinity and challenge).
Bias traps in risk assessments, and how to maintaining objective assessment of mothers and male carers.
Understanding the child’s lived experience of male carers. - To have a clear understanding of how the role of male carers can be involved, supported and enhanced
The training involves presentation, working on case examples, group work and action planning.
About the trainer - Rick Bolton
Rick has 23 years experience as a Social Worker in Children’s Services, including 15 years managing Youth Offending Teams in community and custodial settings, 8 years in safeguarding practice and strategic roles, and is an experienced Independent Reviewer and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review Author. Rick has delivered training for the Youth Justice Board, GM YOTs Partnership, and various NHS Trusts around working with fathers and male carers.